How to use the UB CCR HPC cluster#

Fang Han

Sept 19, 2024

30 min read

Get UB CCR account#

An UB CCR (Center for Computational Research) account gives you UB CCR HPC cluster access.

  • Check this link for more about the ccr account.

Login to HPC computing node#

There are mainly 2 ways to do it.

Via OnDemand#

Note: UBVPN is needed for access the HPC cluster from outside the campus

Via SSH#

SSH is usally the preferred way.

Using the UB CCR HPC nodes#

UB CCR HPC login nodes is hosted with Ubuntu 22.04.4, which is a linux distribution.

Some useful linux command#

  • cp copy files and directories

  • cd Change working directory

  • ls list directory contents

Learn more from here
and even more from here

Use Lmod to manage modules on the nodes#

  • module list or simply ml to list loaded modules

  • module load to load a module or modules


    module load intel 

    The command above will load the intel-toolchain

Check the Lmod documentation for more information.

Requesting for an interactive computing node with SLURM#

You can type the following command to ask for 4 cores and 8 GB memories

salloc --qos=nih --partition=general-compute --job-name "interactive-compute" --nodes=4  --mem=2G  --time=12:00:00;srun --pty /bin/bash --login